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Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat Models

These human plastic models of the eyes, ears, nose and throat are terrific for the classroom or in medical offices for patient education. Our normal and abnormal colorful anatomical replicas of structures of the head and face are scientifically accurate. You will find them extremely durable, easy to use and the perfect tool for visualization of 3 dimensional anatomy. Some models can be disarticulated for a deeper understanding of the underlying tissues.

  • Thyroid Model Thyroid Model Description Card

    Thyroid Anatomical Model

    Models show Normal Thyroid, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (lymphocytic thyroiditis), Graves' Disease, Papillary Carcinoma and the following structures: Hyoid bone, Thyroid membrane, Thyroid cartilage, Cricoid cartilage, and Trachea. Anatomy Model sizes: 2" x...

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  • Sinus Anatomical Model Sinus Anatomical Model Description Card

    Sinus Anatomical Model

    Full size cut-away normal model depicts a near median section through the nose and nasal passages. Details include nasal cavity, soft and hard palate, uvula, eustachian tube and pharyngeal tonsil. Back side shows ethmoid and maxillary sinus cavities...

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  • Cataract Eye Model Lens

    Eye Cataract Anatomical Model

    This normal oversized eye model includes interchangeable lenses that show various types of cataract conditions including: subcapsular, capsular, mature, cortical and nuclear. The education card highlights the visual effect of cataracts. Eye anatomy model...

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  • Eye Anatomical Model Eye Anatomical Model

    Eye Anatomical Model

     This anatomical human eye model dissects into both halves of sclera with cornea and eye muscle attachments, both halves of the choroid with iris and retina, eye lens, and vitreous humor. Great model to teach or learn the anatomy of the human eye!...

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  • Ear Auditory Ossicles Anatomical Model

    Ear Auditory Ossicles Anatomical Model

    Medical Grade ear anatomy model Life-Size replicas of the three tiny bones of the middle ear, the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil) and stapes (stirrup) cast from actual human specimens. Ossicles are labeled and embedded in plastic for protection.

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