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Chiropractic Patient Brochures

Chiropractic brochures are an essential part of the educational process beginning from the very first visit. It has been said "an educated patient is a good patient." Choose from a variety of brochures and inserts on many aspects of the treatment process. You can buy a single pack or in multiples with our starter kits. Available in english or spanish, these topics will be an asset to your practice.

  • Cover

    Can Chiropractic Help Me? Chiropractic Brochure

    Enjoy more referrals when your patients have a keener awareness of posture, leg length, shoe wear, cervical range-of-motion and other signs of potential spinal problems. That's the ingenious idea behind this 8-page brochure. Review the tests with each...

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  • First Chiropractic Adjustment Brochure.

    Your First Adjustments Brochure

    Now patients know what to expect and have greater respect for what I do." "He cracks my back." "She just pushes on my spine and it kinda pops." "It's like a hypodermic and makes a clicking sound." "He twists my neck really fast!" How do your patients...

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  • Subluxation Chiropractic Brochure

    Subluxations Chiropractic Brochure

    Without an awareness and appreciation of subluxation, you’re just a walking aspirin! If you desire healthy, long-term relationships, make sure every patient and practice member understands this fundamental Chiropractic Concept. Hand it out proudly,...

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  • Stress Chiropractic Brochure

    Stress Chiropractic Brochure

    Explain that physical, chemical and emotional stress leads to subluxation the easy way. As patients and practice members become mindful of the stressors in their lives, you’ll be seeing busier and busier Decembers—the most stressful month of...

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  • Spinal Decay Chiropractic Brochure

    Spinal Decay Chiropractic Brochure

    "Subluxation degeneration" is so last century. Upgrade to a more patient-relevant term. If you give an X-ray report, use this brochure. Let it do the heavy lifting when it comes to explaining they’ve had their problem much longer then last week...

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  • Cover

    Scoliosis Chiropractic Brochure

    Far too many suffer needlessly from scoliosis because of a lack of awareness and groundless fears. Turn the tide by getting a copy of this chiropractic brochure into the hands of every parent. Project a contemporary, credible image for your practice and...

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  • Neck Pain Chiropractic Brochure

    Neck Pain Chiropractic Brochure

    It’s an all-too common condition due to physical trauma, such as whiplash, and from the stress of everyday living. Chiropractic care can be helpful, but new patients may have concerns. Put their worries to rest! Eliminate their often-unstated...

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  • First Chiropractic Visit Brochure

    First Visit Chiropractic Brochure

    Lifetime care begins with a first visit. Use this brochure to set appropriate expectations and explain Chiropractic concepts. See more symptomatic cases blossoming into requests for wellness. Get this potent "new patient seed" out into your...

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  • Family Care Chiropractic Brochure

    Family Care Chiropractic Brochure

    557 words Written at the 8.1 grade reading level 7 Full color captioned pictures 14 Referenced citations Chiropractic care for individuals, rather than families, is a relatively new phenomenon. The number of families under regular care in your practice...

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  • Chiropractic Brochure Cover Second Page

    Chiropractic Brochure

    It's the cornerstone of any properly equipped brochure rack.  Use it to introduce the principles of chiropractic and the self-healing capacity of the body. Explain how today's all-natural chiropractic care produces results without drugs or surgery...

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  • Children Chiropractic Brochure

    Children Chiropractic Brochure

    628 words Written at the 7.7 grade reading level. You’ll see more chiropractic miracles and enjoy greater satisfaction as you serve more children and youngsters. This is the brochure used by the busiest family practice's. Use it to inspire parents...

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