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Gall Bladder, Liver, Pancreas

Here you will find a variety of posters involving the organs of the Liver, Gall Bladder and Pancreas. In addition to normal anatomy you will find diseases of these organs as well

  • Endocrine Poster

    Endocrine Anatomy Posters

    Our Endocrine System poster, expertly designed for anatomical education, offers a detailed look at the body's hormone-producing glands. Ideal for teaching and learning, this laminated chart is meticulously illustrated to showcase the endocrine system's...

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  • Diabetes Type 1- 3rd ed.

    Diabetes Type 1- 3rd ed.

     The new third edition of this chart has been updated with new illustrations and information. Provides easy-to-understand visuals and text descriptions of how Type 1 diabetes affects the process of insulin production by the pancreas, which in turn...

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  • Understanding Diabetes Poster 3rd ed.

    Understanding Diabetes Poster 3rd ed.

    Newly updated in 2014 with additional information! The Understanding Diabetes Anatomical Chart defines diabetes as well as Type 1 and Type 2. Lists symptoms of both types of the disease. The Understanding Diabetes Anatomical Chart shows potential...

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  • Hepatitis Poster

    Hepatitis Poster

    Defines viral hepatitis and the types of hepatic viruses that cause this disease: Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, and recently discovered viruses G and TTV (Transfusion Transmitted Virus). Talks about modes of transmission and illustrates the complications of...

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  • Liver Anatomy Poster

    Liver Anatomy Poster

    Shows location of liver on the body and provides antero-visceral view of the organ. Illustrates distribution of vessels and ducts, duct system with gallstones in common sites, and two views of liver segments: visceral view with biliary draining areas and...

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  • Diabetes Educational Flip Chart

    Diabetes Educational Flip Chart

    A dynamic reference for understanding the types and complications of diabetes, including a step-by-step review of glucose metabolism and insulin production. Heavy laminated cover Cover 11" x 14" 12pt stock and UV coated Easel 11.375" x 14.375" x 6"...

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  • Liver and Hepatitis Flip Chart

    Liver and Hepatitis Flip Chart

    A comprehensive overview of the different types of Hepatitis, including symptoms, causes and treatments.Heavy laminated cover Cover 11" x 14" 12pt stock and UV coated Easel 11.375" x 14.375" x 6" Spiral bound Suitable for dry erase marker

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  • Metabolic Syndrome Poster

    Metabolic Syndrome Poster

    Great explanation of the relationship between Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome.Accurate Painstakingly researched and executed by today's top medical illustrators. attractive Up-to-date, with a fresh, consistent style and contemporary look. Measures 22 x...

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  • Internal Organs of the Human Body Anatomy Poster

    Internal Organs of the Human Body Anatomy Poster

    This Internal Organs chart provides a simple and easy-to-understand overview of the location and functions of the major internal organs of the body, including anatomical diagrams of: heart, lungs, stomach, kidney, diaphragm, spleen, liver, pancreas,...

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  • Diabetes Poster

    Understanding Diabetes Anatomy Poster-2

    Accurate: Painstakingly researched and executed by today's topmedical illustrators. Attractive: Up-to-date, with a fresh, consistent style and contemporary look. Durable: Full-coverage 1.5 mil lamination with sealed edges • virtually impervious to...

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  • Understanding Diabetes 2 Diabetes

    Understanding Type 2 Diabetes Chart-3rd ed.

    Defines type 2 diabetes and role of glucose and insulin in the body. Lists symptoms, risk factors and ways to control the disease. This revised chart shows glucose molecules from the digestive system and insulin molecules from the pancreas traveling in a...

    ¥2,956.67 - ¥3,697.69
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  • Hepatitis  Chart

    Understanding Hepatitis Anatomy Poster

    Accurate: Painstakingly researched and executed by today's top medical illustrators. Attractive: Up-to-date, with a fresh, consistent style and contemporary look. Durable: Full-coverage 1.5 mil lamination with sealed edges • virtually impervious to...

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